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Dinas KPKP Mulai Intensifkan Pemeriksaan Hewan Kurban
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KPKP Agency Begins to Intensify Qurban Animal Inspection

Jakarta Maritime, Agriculture, and Food Security Agency (KPKP) has received letters of application from 78 suppliers of qurban animals who want to distribute animals to traders ahead of Idul Adha 1444 Hijri.

KPKP agency and sub-agencies in five regions have followed up on requests from 78 suppliers

"KPKP agency and sub-agencies in five regions have followed up on requests from 78 suppliers who want to bring in qurban animals from the end of May until D+3 of Idul Adha," expressed Jakarta KPKP Agency Head, Suharini Eliawati, Monday (6/5).

Besides giving recommendations, his party also examined health certificates brought by suppliers and the physical appearance of qurban animals entering Jakarta.

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This examination anticipated the entry of three diseases to watch out for such as anthrax, foot and mouth disease (FMD), and lumpy skin disease (LSD) ahead of Idul Adha.

"But of course this makes an economic loss for the breeder and it may become illegal for the animal to be sacrificed because it is not in accordance with Islamic law," he explained.

His party is also coordinating with supply areas including Central Java, East Java, and Lampung to anticipate the entry of qurban animals suffering from anthrax, FMD, and LSD.

"We'll also implement quarantine stages for qurban animals entering from outside Jakarta in five city areas," he uttered.

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